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Trip to the Toronto Blue Jays, Sept 11, 2024

Here are some of the comments of the participants:

-Nice bus, fun bingo game, great lunch, great Blue Jays seats

-Great having a bus, don’t drive to the city anymore, enjoyed seeing the Old Spaghetti Factory again and the changes to the Dome

-The Bus driver and Fan Services took good care of us

-Well organized, meal great. Weather fantastic. Next time the Jays could win!

September, 2024 Lunch Boston Pizza, Alliston

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Pink Sugar

September, 2024

Sara den Bok
”Saved by Mother Teresa”

In her presentation Sara den Bok shared with us stories of her childhood, being saved from the streets of Calcutta by Mother Teresa at the age of three and then being adopted by a Stayner Ontario family when she was five.

Lena den Bok
”Humanizing the Homeless”

Leah den Bok followed her mother with a presentation "But I can Still do Something". As a fashion and portrait  photographer Leah focuses on capturing the stories and images of people experiencing homelessness in major cities world wide raising awareness.

100% of the profit from her books and exhibits are donated to homeless shelters.

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White Structure
September, 2024
Show & Tell
Harvey Hart

‘You want me to change a lightbulb where?’
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Roger Setka introduced Harvey Hart, one of our long-time members who told us an amusing yet hair-raising story of his early working career, when he was asked, even though it was not in the duties of his job, to climb a high communications tower to change an aircraft warning lightbulb at the top.

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As we start off our 36th year with our AGM, the 2024-2025 Executive and Management Committee were confirmed.  The retiring members were thanked for their service and new members were welcomed.

We cannot function without our volunteers and we appreciate them all. Thank you.

Our 2024-2025 President, Gerry Ross was inducted and presented his President pin.

Our Past President, Ruby Thomas was presented her Past President pin.

Our outgoing President calling up our fun-loving Treasurer, both of them for last time.
Our outgoing Treasurer will now be stepping into the Vice President’s shoes. Welcome Claire.
New Members

We were pleased to welcome the following new members.

Shari Nerdahl
David Nerdahl
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August 13, 2024, PROBUS Golf & Dinner
Bear Creek Golf Course

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July 2024
Lunch at Symposium

July 2024

Main Speaker
Tom Herstad

Towards a Kinder, more Compassionate and Empathetic World”

Tom is the author of 2nd Line West, a memoir of a very special lady in his life, his mother. In a heartfelt presentation, Tom shared stories of her difficult life and how she looked beyond herself to help others. Our members were eager to learn more about the 18 people she helped so book sales were brisk. Tom joined us for lunch at Symposium and we learned more about his other life as a lighting designer.

July 2024

Show & Tell
Roger Setka


Our 91 year young financial wizard attempted to bring us into the 21st century of finance and the possibility of the “digital loonie” within our lifetime.

CBDC (central bank digital currency) is something that the Bank of Canada and banking insitiutions around the world are looking at. We may in our lifetime be faced with the emergence of a cashless society, our hand-held bills a thing of the past.

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June 27, 2024

see Rock of Ages at King’s Wharf Theatre in Penetang

Don’t Stop Believin’

Double Click to see the image full size.

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New Town of New Tecumseth Town Hall Tours, June 14 & 21, 2024

The Town of New Tecumseth made the move to the new Town Hall. 

With the main entrance facing Tupper Street, the address for the Town Hall will be known as 24 Tupper Street West, Alliston. 

A grand opening was held on Mon., June 10th with a celebratory ribbon cutting.

Arrangements were made for those that wished to have a tour of the new facility. Here are some photos.

Click photo to enlarge & see description.

Photos by Bev Hughes and Mary Willard

White Structure

June 2024
Lunch at Hot Stacks

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Double-Click to View

Photos by Bev Hughes

Small Plane

June 2024
Main Speaker
Malcolm Kelly, Journalist
”Women in Air Force Blue”

Malcolm G. Kelly, a professional journalist for 37 years, the founder and coordinator of a renowned postgraduate sports journalism program at Centennial College in Toronto, spoke to our PROBUS group about “Women In Air Force Blue”.

As a bestselling author, he has written four non-fiction books. Malcolm was born in Bradford-on-Avon, England, and raised in Warminster, Wilts, before the family moved to Canada in 1966. He is the son of two Second World War veterans (his father was one of the famous 47 British escapees at Calais in 1940, and his mother was a Blitz survivor who joined the army’s ATS). 

His presentation on" Women In Air Force Blue" followed a number of women and their amazing experiences, was very interesting and enjoyed by all.

June Presentations

Bev Hughes and Midge Facciol presented Brian Palmer with a Lifetime Membership to the Probus Club of Alliston for Outstanding Service to the Club.

My thanks to those in the Club who decided to present me with a Lifetime Membership, particularly in the way it was presented by two of my favourite ladies, Bev and Midge.
I haven’t been able to attend meetings lately and the kind thought came as a complete surprise. 
Hope to see you all soon.
Brian Palmer

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We were pleased to welcome to the Club the following new members:

Don Irvine

Shirley Irvine

Don Nelson

June 2024

Show & Tell
Norm Kennedy
Drums & Bugles

Norm took on a fascinating trip through the history of the development of drums & bugles from the Stone Age until now.

May, 2024

Lunch at Swiss Chalet in Alliston

Click arrow to view.

Clic pic to enlarge.

Main Speaker

May 14 - Ryan Uytdewilligen 

Comedy Canadian Style

Ryan Uytdewilligen, multi-award- winning author from Coaldale Alberta studied Broadcast Journalism at Lethbridge, College and Writing for Film and Television at Vancouver Film School.

His presentation on the history of Canada’s distinct comedy voice throughout the past century was enjoyed by all.

The many clips of celebrated Canadian comedians and entertainers like Dan Akroyd, Rich Little, Leslie Neilson and Rich Mercer brought back many memories.

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White Structure

April Presentations

Congratulations to Ron Fearon on receiving a Lifetime Membership in the Club, for serving as President for the 2012-2013 year and on being member for over 20 years.

Lifetime Membership 

A Lifetime Membership may be conferred at a General meeting, upon a member who has rendered outstanding service to the Club. A Life member shall not be required to pay the annual membership fee and shall enjoy all privileges of membership.

Congratulations to Greg Albright and Chris Paine on receiving Honorary Membership in the Club and on being members for over 20 years.

Honorary membership 
An Honorary member 
may be conferred at a General meeting. An Honorary member shall not be required to pay the annual Club membership fee and shall enjoy all privileges of membership except voting and election to office. 
May 2024 Show & Tell

Peter Krol
My Life at the LCBO

Peter gave us some interesting insights into the workings of his “retirement” job at the LCBO. Things he had to face on the front line of customer service and tidbits of what it was like working behind the warehouse doors.

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April 2024, Lunch at Halibut House, Alliston

Click to Enlarge

Main Speaker
April 9, 2024
Elaine Charal
Handwriting Analysis

Elaine Charal, certified handwriting analyst, entertainer and comedienne delivered her “Power of the Pen” presentation. 

By the reactions in the room, her presentation was informative, captivating and humourous. The audience interaction and laughter was wonderful to experience.

We learned a lot about ourselves and am sure we will uncover more about our family and friends through their handwriting.


For more information, see her website

We were pleased to welcome Marcie Taggart to the Club.

April 2024 Presentations

Show & Tell
April Alan Masters

My Career as a Motorcycle Racer & Enthusiast

Alan took us on a fascinating journey through his motorcycle racing career, beginning in the UK and then continuing after his move to Canada.

At the April meeting,
our birthday Queens.
March 2024
Member Lunch
at Boston Pizza, Alliston

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March 12, 2024
Lianne Harris
Luck of the Irish

Lianne brought history to life with her presentation The Luck of the Irish, delivered in authentic medieval Irish costume. Lianne has taught over 100,000 teachers and students in her long career with the Toronto District School Board, and certainly knows her subject matter well. Her presentation was interactive, humorous and most interesting as she wove facts about Irish history, legends, folklore and language into her wonderful slide presentation. Our Probus members were enthusiastic participants in her mini-quizzes and would look forward to hearing another of her 50 presentations in the future.

March 2024
Member Presentations
Fran Sainsbury was presented with her 15 year pin.
Congratulations Fran.
We were thrilled to present member badges to Joe Bilotta, Alan Greenwood & Yvonne Smith.
March 2024 - Show & Tell Ted Larson
Ted did an interesting and informative Show & Tell presentation on the evolution of art through graphic arts as shown in his work.
Sphere on Spiral Stairs

At our March meeting, the Leprechauns were out.

Click arrow for more photos.

Lunch at Symposium, February, 2024

February 13, 2024
Steve Chappell
Information Protection and Privatization

Our February Speaker,

Steve Chappelle, did a wonderful presentation on

Information Protection and Privacy. He alerted us to the way the web and telecommunications happen while discussing several topics including Account and Device Settings, Browsers, Records of Activity with personal messages, search engines and email filing as well as Encryption. There seemed to be consensus in the room that there is much to learn

in the field of technology and that as users, we need to protect our privacy as much as possible.

Steve has provided some follow up notes that can be found at this link. [click here]


February 2024 Presentations

We were pleased to welcome new members:

John Gilbert 

Marilyn Gilbert 

Debbie Harris 

Paul Harris 

Kim Iceton 

Ron Jones

Elaine Maguire

Eugene McEleney

Catherine Robbin

Pink Sugar
February 2024 Show & Tell Marguerite Beggs

Marguerite spoke about a group she volunteers with. Grandmothers Embrace was formed by Jean Gradwell due to a request by Stephen. Lewis.He had witnessed the AIDS pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa and came home with a vision to help the Grandmothers who were left to care for their Grandchildren due to the demise of their own children. And to do this at a Grassroots level, so Governments are bypassed and Grandmothers are asked their needs, food, clothes, education, material to make things to sell etc. And they are supplied with those needs.

In 2003 there was no treatment for HIV, human immunodeficiency and that resulted in death with AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This condition attacks the immune system.No treatment was available resulting in many deaths.

To-day there is antiviral treatment and if taken consistently, HIV cannot be transmitted to others.Grandmothers are becoming more self-sufficient and standing up asking to be recognized and respected by their governments. 

For fund raising we take part in the Briar Hill Community Garage Sale and November Jewellery, Purse and Scarf Sale. Donations are always

welcome. 705-434-1827 20 years as a Fund Raiser the Stephen Lewis Foundation had a vision to create a Quilt. Grandmothers across Canada and some African countries submitted fabric and other material and a Quilt was made. This April the Solidarity Quilt and One Not Left Behind Quilt will be on display at the Gibson Center, Alliston, Friday April 12 and Saturday April 13. You are all. welcome to come and enjoy their beauty.

Lunch at Swiss Chalet, Alliston
January 2024

[Double Click to enlarge.]

In her delightful presentation style, Maryse informed us of the12 modifiable factors that can help diminish the risk of developing dementia. Her presentation included some skill testing questions that required audience participation. Our PROBUS members certainly engaged with lots of questions, and laughter.

Maryse was amazed at the number of attendees on this snowy day, as well as their eagerness to participate.

by Sharron Smith, Speakers Committee

January 9, 2024

Maryse Raymond, Education Coordinator, Alzheimer Society of South Simcoe
Brain Health and Aging 

If anyone is interested in becoming better informed about Dementia, Maryse offers regular courses that are free of charge through Matthews House in Alliston. The Alzheimer Society also offers many resources and a group support program in our community. 

For further information contact:

Alzheimer Society of South Simcoe

705-722-1066 Ext. 229

Matthews House

131 Wellington Street East Alliston, ON L9R 1G7

P: 705.435.7218 x232

We were pleased to welcome the following new members:


Jackie German

John German

Jennie Dixon

Marty Dixon

January Presentations
John Verdoold did an interesting Show & Tell presentation on immigration in the 50’s.

John was 18 when he came to Canada in 1953 as a farm worker, under Diefenbaker at that time. He told about how they were treated as immigrants, how he wore many hats over the years and has now retired in Briar Hill.

He is writing a book about his life at the bequest of his grandchildren.


PROBIANS had a wonderful time at the Christmas Luncheon at the Alliston Legion

Click Santa & Midge to view the photos

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Mary Hookey arranged to get together with
Adeline Foxwell to present her with her 20 year pin.

Congratulations to Adeline on 20 years and being one of the founding female members of the PROBUS Club of Alliston.
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A number of our Probians, along with our Presient, attended the Remembrance Day Service, November 11th at the Alliston Cenotaph
Juno Beach photos, 75th Anniversary year of D-Day [taken August, 2019]
Allyn Willard created an excellent Remembrance Day presentation for our November meeting. It was commented on by many. If you missed it or would like to watch again, here is the link. If you have any problems viewing it, email Allyn Willard.
Norm Zimmerman 1925 - 2023

For 15 years Norm Zimmerman honoured us with the reading of In Flanders Fields by John McCrae at our November Probus meetings. Norm Kennedy did a lovely tribute to Norm Zimmerman, telling us a bit about his life before and after PROBUS.

November 2023 Presentations

20 Years, Norm Besse

10 Years, Letty Forsythe-Mercer, Betty Bunting, Allen Morden, Cathy Morden

We welcomed the following new members to the November meeting:

Gale Calder

Irene Cleve

Joan Fellows

Carol Gelfand

Edith Goodman

Susan Grace

Denis Mayer

Mary Mayer

Bernie Mletzco

Joanne Mletzco

Ron Wise

A very interesting and entertaining presentation by Rich Thistle. His website info is on the left photo.

Check back here for a link to his presentation.

Hope you got your ticket to the Christmas party. 
It's going to be a great meal and lots of fun!


































Click picture to
Lunch at Halibut House in Alliston
November 2023
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Ruby Thomas welcomes our new Vice President, Gerry Ross


35th Anniversary Certificate Presentations

Richard Norcross, Mayor and Alan Masters, Councillor, Ward 4 present certificate to Ruby Thomas, President on behalf of Council of Corporation of the Town of New Tecumseth
Brian Saunderson, MPP Simcoe-Grey presents certificate to Ruby Thomas, President
Terry Dowdall, MP Simcoe-Grey presents certificate to Ruby Thomas, President

Enjoying coffee, cake & conversation at the meeting


PROBUS Club of Alliston October, 2023 Presentations

Bill Braden is presented a certificate for 35 Years with our PROBUS Club by Ruby Thomas, President and Chuck Waterman, Past President
Chuck Waterman, Past President with Eugene Walden & Bill Braden our longest service members
10 Year Service Awards
Carolyn Wysocki, Bob Wysocki, Ann Whittle, Joyce Raymond

We were pleased to welcome the following new members to our October, 2023 Anniversary meeting

Anna Arblaster, Gord Barry, Irene Cleve, Joan Fellows, Ted Larson, Linda Mather, Carole McKergow, John Pappain, Helen Sinclair, Dave Twiner
Lunch at Boston Pizza, October, 2023






























Our heartfelt thanks go out to the 2022-23 Executive

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Lunch at Symposium - September 2023

Once again Ted Barris provided us with a most interesting talk, this time about the amazing role of medics in the line of fire in WWII.

Brenda Andrews, PROBUS District Director presents
35th Anniversary Certificate to President & Past Presidents

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LtoR Brenda Andrews, Ruby Thomas, Midge Faccciol, Chuck Waterman, Eugene Walden, Ronald Fearon, Margueritte Beggs

Presentations, September 2023

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Ivy Fenton, Myles Bunting
10 Year Pins
Norm Kennedy, Carol Kennedy, Bev Hughes 15 Year Pins
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Golf & BBQ, July 2023
Lunch at Swiss Chalet, July 2023
We were pleased to welcome two new members in July:
Barb Murney and Lynda Prain

Winner of the Stephen Leacock medal for humour, Terry Fallis spoke very interestingly  and entertainingly about his deftly written political satires giving the reader a trip from Parliament Hill to corporate policy. 

PROBUS Member Bill Richardson gave a very interesting Show & Tell presentation speaking on the topic of Bird-Banding.  It was very interesting to hear how organizations are tracking all the birds they can find so as to check life span, migration and a host of other things.

Special Presentations

Bill Braden, Lifetime Membership
Eugene Walden, Lifetime Membership
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